Tuesday, August 12, 2008


Ingredients :

1 whole swiss roll
1 canned cocktail fruits
10gm agar-agar powder
3/4 tin evaporated milk (Ideal)
3/4 tin water
7 tbsp sugar
4 tbsp custard powder
Pandan Leaves

(1) Cut the swiss roll and arrange in a mould. wet the swiss roll with the cocktail's water. Its to make the cake heavy and it won't float when pour the pudding. Keep aside.
(2) Combine agar-agar powder, sugar, water and pandan leaf in a saucepan and bring to a boil.
(3) Add in evaporated milk. Let it boil.
(4) Mix custard powder with 1/2 cup water. Slow down the heat. Add custard mixture into the agar-agar mixture.
(5) Remove from heat, take out the pandan leave and add in cocktail fruits. Stir well to cool slightly. Pour on swiss roll.
(6) Leave aside to set then set them completely (until firm) in the freezer.

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